These are my honest experiences in working legit online jobs. I'm a school teacher & musician on a journey to discover the truth behind so called "work from home opportunities".
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Blog Beast - ENV2 Full Review
What's coming is so incredible, you NEED to take part in this now. Watch the video to see why the internet is about to be turned on its head.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Making Money Online Is The SAME As Working Out
Any person serious
about working out knows they aren’t going to have a perfect body overnight. Did you know that most people who sign up for
work from home jobs, give up after 30 days?
Why? Because they aren’t seeing
the “fast results” they were expecting. Think
of all the people who join the gym on New Years Day. How many of them are still working out 30
days later? Very few.
Whether you choose to work from home or get a great body, it's a LIFESTYLE you are choosing to have! Don't expect a miracle overnight. Yes, you can make loads of money with Empower Network, but you need to dedicate yourself and focus your mind. Spend a few hours a day on it, and you WILL see results. Watch the video for more of my insight on this.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
I Never Meant To Work From Home
Hey guys. I guess I never really explained HOW I started working from home, so this video will explain how it all really was an accident. I was an ESL teacher for Chicago Public Schools and now I'm in the last place I ever expected to be. But now that I'm with Empower Network, I'm definitely not stopping. The amount of money people are making with it is insane.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Your Dream Is More Important Than Money
If you're searching for online jobs, I'm guessing what you want is to leave behind a certain lifestyle to find a true happiness in whatever it is you're passionate about in life. You AREN'T driven by money, but you ARE driven by what's in your soul. Yet, we NEED money to survive and to support what it is we love to do. Please check out this video I made today which explains more about why Empower Network will take you there. Click here to learn more. Thanks.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
How a 12 Year Old Made $12,000 in 4 Months
A 12 Year Old Kid Made $12,000 in just 4 months using Empower Network guys. I don't mean to sound all preachy with these new Empower blog entries, but it's amazing to me how many people are making so much money with them. Click here to get a free video that explains exactly how they're making this money.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Empower Network Is NOT A Scam
All you have to do is watch this video of this extremely worked up lady. She tells it how it is. You NEED to see this so that you truly understand what Empower Network is and so you understand it is NOT a scam. Yeah, you can make tons of money with Empower, and you could make nothing too. Are you willing to be focused and put in a few hours a day working online or aren't you? That's the difference between leaving your day job or staying stuck where you are. Click here to receive ALL the info you need.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
I've Found Gold Making Money Online
Okay. If you're serious about making money online right now, click on this link and watch the video or copy and paste this link into your browser - . There is NO other company in the world paying out as much money to members as this one is. If it looks scammy with the big claims and letters on its page, just try to get past that - I had to. By the way, there's a reason I haven't written a blog entry here in over a month. I guess you could say I've moved onto something new. I talked crap about this company in a previous post of mine and I apologize to Empower Network for that. But I've done my research, and realize now they are totally legit and thousands of people are making several thousands of dollars per month with the company. I'm not even gonna say anymore. Just click this link and watch their video to see what I mean. And if you'd like to see ME talk, I did make my very own video (for the first time!) explaining Empower Network in more detail.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Legit Online Jobs - Part 6 - Blogging
Okay, so here's probably one of the most popular and legit online jobs that you'll find. I'm guessing that if you've ever searched the web for legit online jobs, you've run into some websites that claimed you could make hundreds of thousands of dollars just by blogging. I'm going to be honest and tell you that I haven't made a ton of money from blogging yet. But that doesn't bring me down because I've learned A LOT from My Data Team's blogging training, which I plan to incorporate into my band's website/blog soon too. Making money blogging is very possible and legit. Online jobs are advertised everywhere, and I think blogging is the most popular one because there are countless bloggers in cyberspace who make a full time living doing exactly what I'm doing right now, which is blogging. The key to blogging is you can't give up on it, and you have to make sure to update your blog with fresh content regularly. My Data Team's blogging training gets incredibly detailed; they literally teach you how to set up a blog from nothing, even if you have no idea how to use the internet. Then they show you how to start getting regular traffic to your blog. I'm actually really surprised at how many people visit this blog every day, and I set it up only a little over a month ago. For a newbie, I'd say getting 30 - 100 visitors to your blog per day isn't bad, and that's what I'm currently getting. Okay, so rather than go on and on, I will list below what you can expect to do as a blogger and how much money you can potentially make. Just remember, blogging is NOT instant money. You MUST be patient and consistent in your efforts.
Job Title - Blogger
Job Description - (verbatim from My Data Team's site) A blog is more of an online journal rather than a website, which allows you to make posts hourly, daily, weekly, or as often as you want, and you can write on any subject/topic that you want to write about.
Blogging started out as more of a journal, as mentioned, where people would set up blogs as a daily diary or family journal a great way for relatives to interact from long distances.
What many people started realizing is that these blogs attract a large audience, because people love to read about personal experiences or about just about any subject you can think of. With this in mind, both companies and bloggers have a new way to benefit financially.
Job Title - Blogger
Job Description - (verbatim from My Data Team's site) A blog is more of an online journal rather than a website, which allows you to make posts hourly, daily, weekly, or as often as you want, and you can write on any subject/topic that you want to write about.
Blogging started out as more of a journal, as mentioned, where people would set up blogs as a daily diary or family journal a great way for relatives to interact from long distances.
What many people started realizing is that these blogs attract a large audience, because people love to read about personal experiences or about just about any subject you can think of. With this in mind, both companies and bloggers have a new way to benefit financially.
I know this sounds so simple, but the truth is, with blogging, you pretty much just write about whatever you want to write about, AND you can make VERY good money doing this. You can start your own blog about excercise, nutrition, pets, working from home, music, movies, drugs, and/or anything else you can possibly think of. And JUST doing this can earn you LOTS of money IF you follow the My Data Team training very carefully.
How Much Money Can You Make - I know this seems incredibly far fetched, but according to My Data Team, some of their members are making $500 per day just with their blogs alone. Depending on how much effort you put into it, you can make as much as $1000 per day. Believe me, I completely understand if you think these numbers sound incredibly ridiculous. BUT, let me say one thing here. When you join My Data Team, there is a section in their blogging training that explains in detail EXACTLY where every penny of your money will come from. When you look at it mathematically, you will understand why these numbers aren't so far fetched.
The bottom line is this; blogging is probably the most popular of all legit online jobs in existence. You can make a great income with it as long as you follow all the instructions listed on My Data Team's web site. Of all the legit online jobs listed on their page, this one personally has been the most fun because, when you're blogging, you get to just say what's on your mind and be yourself. Plus, seeing more and more visitors at my page each day is definitely a confidence booster. Of all trainings, I've spent the most time on the blogging training, so if you are going to sign up with My Data Team, please do so directly through this site and I can offer you free phone support if you need it. I know this training in particular can throw some people off, but blogging is really a piece of cake once you understand it.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
10 Legit Online Jobs
I don't think I ever created a blog entry listing all the specific legit online jobs listed on My Data Team's web site. I figured I'd create a short entry here to list the 10 jobs that they offer you once you sign up with them. Each one of these has an extensive training and takes you by the hand, explaining EXACTLY what you need to do, step by step, in order to start making money. Again, the jobs offered are all legit. Online jobs are promoted through so many work from home web sites but My Data Team is the ONLY company I've found that offers genuine work from home opportunities. I can say this because I am currently earning an income with them. If you have trouble understanding any of the tutorials on their site, I offer free phone support as long as you've signed up with My Data Team through this blog. Here is the list of jobs offered on their page. Again, these are all legit and online. The jobs can be completed anywhere you have an internet connection. As always, if you have any questions, please send me an email or leave a comment. Thanks!
(any of the below jobs that you can click on will give you more detailed information on the job)
(any of the below jobs that you can click on will give you more detailed information on the job)
- Global Data Entry
- Traditional Clerical Data Entry
- Transcription Data Entry
- Data Entry Researcher
- Content Article Writing
- Blog Articles
- Revenue Sharing Articles
- Response Typist
- Web Proofreader
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
How To Work From Home Online Successfully
Since I started the journey a few months ago to work from home online, I've run across various web sites and spoken with different people about methods they use to successfully work from home online and make a living. One of the guys I spoke to is also named Paul. He actually runs a web site called Adventure Paul and sends out a newsletter which teaches people how they can also make money online. He seems like a very genuine guy and I strongly suggest you check out his blog at - sign up for his newsletter so you receive updates on how you can start earning an income online yourself. I know this blog is also dedicated to that, BUT I'm more of a newbie, and it seems he's been doing this for a while.
So, part of this post is a response to Adventure Paul's most recent newsletter. He explains that the reason most people fail to make a real income when they work from home online is that they aren't focused. They jump from program to program, and this makes perfect sense to me.
I signed up with My Data Team almost two months ago, and their site offers 10 different jobs; I've made money from them, and you can also work from home online and make a great income if you put forth the effort. You know what? This is so important, I'm going to say it again. You can work from home online and make a great income IF YOU PUT FORTH THE EFFORT. I get this feeling a lot of people see 'work from home online' posted somewhere on the internet, and they think they're going to become rich overnight. This does NOT happen and please don't be fooled by companies that tell you otherwise. You CAN make good money with My Data Team if you're focused, treat it like a real job, and follow what they tell you to do in their tutorials. I've spent more hours than I want to admit, learning the ins and outs of the trainings on their site and I've still only gotten through half of their tutorials. The money I HAVE made came from time and effort that I put in.
My Data Team strongly suggests that you don't jump around on their web site from job to job or you'll become overwhelmed. This is exactly what Adventure Paul says in his most recent newsletter. The funny thing is I've been contacted by people who say they're confused on the My Data Team website and it turns out it's because they're impatiently jumping around from job to job. Once I explain to them that they need to focus on JUST ONE job at a time and forget ALL the others listed on the site, they start to understand how they can earn real money. I can't stress this enough. The amount of information on their web site is insane. Your head will explode if you try to tackle it all. Please focus on ONE job at a time. Only AFTER you've completed a training, you should decide whether or not it's a job for you or if you want to move on to a different job. Part of the reason I'm offering free phone support if you sign up with My Data Team through this blog is because I KNOW people are going to disregard this and jump around anyway. It's all about focus though.
Of course, I'm going to rave about My Data Team because I've been making money ever since I completed their Home Data Entry training. I've gotten emails from at least 10 different companies that claim you can work from home online and make tons of money with them. It's somewhat annoying, but a couple of them off the top of my head are Project Payday and Moneybrokers. I have no idea whether or not these companies are legit, but I do know that you should NOT sign up with them if you're in the middle of learning how to complete a job on My Data Team's web site or ANY other web site you've signed up with. Just because money isn't coming in right away doesn't mean you should immediately join another 'work from home online' web site and start the whole process all over again. Imagine all the time and effort you'll be giving up to start all over again. Money WILL start coming in, but you must have patience.
The bottom line of all this is STAY FOCUSED, BE CONSISTENT, and DON'T GIVE UP. Don't expect to get rich overnight; I certainly haven't gotten rich, but I haven't given up either. I've made enough money to inspire me to keep learning more. You can work from home online, but understand that you need to treat this as a learning experience and not as a 'get rich quick' kind of thing. If you went to college, you took classes in order to get your major, which would ultimately get you hired at a specific kind of job. Well, if you want to work from home online, you need to become educated in certain areas to understand how this stuff all works. My Data Team provides a GREAT education by the way; and once you've gotten it, you can start making money.
So, part of this post is a response to Adventure Paul's most recent newsletter. He explains that the reason most people fail to make a real income when they work from home online is that they aren't focused. They jump from program to program, and this makes perfect sense to me.
I signed up with My Data Team almost two months ago, and their site offers 10 different jobs; I've made money from them, and you can also work from home online and make a great income if you put forth the effort. You know what? This is so important, I'm going to say it again. You can work from home online and make a great income IF YOU PUT FORTH THE EFFORT. I get this feeling a lot of people see 'work from home online' posted somewhere on the internet, and they think they're going to become rich overnight. This does NOT happen and please don't be fooled by companies that tell you otherwise. You CAN make good money with My Data Team if you're focused, treat it like a real job, and follow what they tell you to do in their tutorials. I've spent more hours than I want to admit, learning the ins and outs of the trainings on their site and I've still only gotten through half of their tutorials. The money I HAVE made came from time and effort that I put in.
My Data Team strongly suggests that you don't jump around on their web site from job to job or you'll become overwhelmed. This is exactly what Adventure Paul says in his most recent newsletter. The funny thing is I've been contacted by people who say they're confused on the My Data Team website and it turns out it's because they're impatiently jumping around from job to job. Once I explain to them that they need to focus on JUST ONE job at a time and forget ALL the others listed on the site, they start to understand how they can earn real money. I can't stress this enough. The amount of information on their web site is insane. Your head will explode if you try to tackle it all. Please focus on ONE job at a time. Only AFTER you've completed a training, you should decide whether or not it's a job for you or if you want to move on to a different job. Part of the reason I'm offering free phone support if you sign up with My Data Team through this blog is because I KNOW people are going to disregard this and jump around anyway. It's all about focus though.
Of course, I'm going to rave about My Data Team because I've been making money ever since I completed their Home Data Entry training. I've gotten emails from at least 10 different companies that claim you can work from home online and make tons of money with them. It's somewhat annoying, but a couple of them off the top of my head are Project Payday and Moneybrokers. I have no idea whether or not these companies are legit, but I do know that you should NOT sign up with them if you're in the middle of learning how to complete a job on My Data Team's web site or ANY other web site you've signed up with. Just because money isn't coming in right away doesn't mean you should immediately join another 'work from home online' web site and start the whole process all over again. Imagine all the time and effort you'll be giving up to start all over again. Money WILL start coming in, but you must have patience.
The bottom line of all this is STAY FOCUSED, BE CONSISTENT, and DON'T GIVE UP. Don't expect to get rich overnight; I certainly haven't gotten rich, but I haven't given up either. I've made enough money to inspire me to keep learning more. You can work from home online, but understand that you need to treat this as a learning experience and not as a 'get rich quick' kind of thing. If you went to college, you took classes in order to get your major, which would ultimately get you hired at a specific kind of job. Well, if you want to work from home online, you need to become educated in certain areas to understand how this stuff all works. My Data Team provides a GREAT education by the way; and once you've gotten it, you can start making money.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Make Great Money Working From Home Online As A Content Article Writer
I joined My Data Team because they seemed to offer truly legit jobs working from home online. I didn't realize how in depth their website was going to be and how detailed their trainings would also be, which, in my opinion, makes them only more credible. One job they offer is The Content Article Writer job, and I'm almost through with the training; I'm actually really excited to get started working from home online writing articles, and I'll tell you why.
If you've read through other entries of this blog, you'll know that since I signed up with My Data Team, I've made the majority of my money working from home online completing Traditional Data Entry Jobs. If you're asking yourself what the heck that is, you can learn all about it by clicking here. As soon as I finished the Traditional Data Entry training, I followed My Data Team's instructions and got hired as a transcriptionist in less than 24 hours. The great thing about the way My Data Team presents the training is that in the end of it, they give you a huge list of companies that are looking to hire transcriptionists. So, you just click on any of the companies that interest you and email them (My Data Team even teaches you exactly how to structure your email AND format your resume so that you have a very high chance of getting hired).
What I've noticed about the Content Article Writing training offered on My Data Team's site is that it is VERY similar to the Traditional Data Entry training; this is awesome because it means that when I get hired, I will start earning money fast. The training provides you with a huge list of companies looking to hire content article writers; it also shows you exactly what to write in your cover letter before sending emails out to any companies so that they DO hire you and you can start working from home online writing articles and earning an income immediately.
Once I finish the Content Article Writer training and start completing specific jobs, I'll write a post about my experiences working from home online doing that. Writing articles sounds like something I could really enjoy doing, especially since it only takes 10 to 20 minutes to write an article that can pay you up to $50. Imagine how many you could write in a day working from home online. I would never have even known about this had I not signed up with My Data Team, so I'm grateful to have found them. I'll be happy to help anyone out with personal phone support when you sign up with My Data Team directly through this blog. It's important that you go through the trainings carefully; but if you're still confused, I'm here to help.
If you've read through other entries of this blog, you'll know that since I signed up with My Data Team, I've made the majority of my money working from home online completing Traditional Data Entry Jobs. If you're asking yourself what the heck that is, you can learn all about it by clicking here. As soon as I finished the Traditional Data Entry training, I followed My Data Team's instructions and got hired as a transcriptionist in less than 24 hours. The great thing about the way My Data Team presents the training is that in the end of it, they give you a huge list of companies that are looking to hire transcriptionists. So, you just click on any of the companies that interest you and email them (My Data Team even teaches you exactly how to structure your email AND format your resume so that you have a very high chance of getting hired).
What I've noticed about the Content Article Writing training offered on My Data Team's site is that it is VERY similar to the Traditional Data Entry training; this is awesome because it means that when I get hired, I will start earning money fast. The training provides you with a huge list of companies looking to hire content article writers; it also shows you exactly what to write in your cover letter before sending emails out to any companies so that they DO hire you and you can start working from home online writing articles and earning an income immediately.
Once I finish the Content Article Writer training and start completing specific jobs, I'll write a post about my experiences working from home online doing that. Writing articles sounds like something I could really enjoy doing, especially since it only takes 10 to 20 minutes to write an article that can pay you up to $50. Imagine how many you could write in a day working from home online. I would never have even known about this had I not signed up with My Data Team, so I'm grateful to have found them. I'll be happy to help anyone out with personal phone support when you sign up with My Data Team directly through this blog. It's important that you go through the trainings carefully; but if you're still confused, I'm here to help.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Work At Home Online Completing Surveys
So, I'm quickly learning that you can work at home online completing surveys and actually make some good money too. I signed up for several survey companies through My Data Team recently and I've come to realize that quite a few of these actually have offers that I just can't pass up.
For instance, I recently received an email for a study where I would be paid $100 to participate in a ONE HOUR telephone interview about my credit card usage. I would also need a computer for this interview to work, at home, and online browsing a specific web site while being interviewed over the phone at the same time. This is seriously a minimal amount of work, and at home online doing this is way more convenient than heading out to a location where I'd sit in an actual interview with someone else.
This will be one of the VERY FEW times I actually tell you WHO the company is, so you can go to their web site and sign up for yourself (don't worry, it's 100% free). The specific company that offered this is called Userworks, and you can visit their web site at Sign up with them by entering your demographic information and they'll send you emails when they have work available for you. Userworks was one of over 200 companies listed on My Data Team's web site that pay you good money to participate in surveys/focus groups.
Let me tell you something; you're NEVER going to get rich completing surveys online, BUT you can make VERY GOOD extra money (and possibly a second income if you put in the time). So, if you do choose to work at home online and complete surveys in your free time, I'll share my opinion as to what I think are scam companies as opposed to legit ones:
Legit Survey Companies
For instance, I recently received an email for a study where I would be paid $100 to participate in a ONE HOUR telephone interview about my credit card usage. I would also need a computer for this interview to work, at home, and online browsing a specific web site while being interviewed over the phone at the same time. This is seriously a minimal amount of work, and at home online doing this is way more convenient than heading out to a location where I'd sit in an actual interview with someone else.
This will be one of the VERY FEW times I actually tell you WHO the company is, so you can go to their web site and sign up for yourself (don't worry, it's 100% free). The specific company that offered this is called Userworks, and you can visit their web site at Sign up with them by entering your demographic information and they'll send you emails when they have work available for you. Userworks was one of over 200 companies listed on My Data Team's web site that pay you good money to participate in surveys/focus groups.
Let me tell you something; you're NEVER going to get rich completing surveys online, BUT you can make VERY GOOD extra money (and possibly a second income if you put in the time). So, if you do choose to work at home online and complete surveys in your free time, I'll share my opinion as to what I think are scam companies as opposed to legit ones:
Legit Survey Companies
- Will NEVER ask for money up front.
- Have professional looking web sites that aren't full of colors and hype
- Will pay you VERY GOOD money. When I say VERY GOOD money, I'm talking about $100 for an hour or two of your time
- Will not flood your email inbox every single day with promotions or surveys to be completed. They usually send out a survey a few times a month.
Scam Survey Companies
- They ask for money up front. If you encounter this, run! Or better yet, just close the web site.
- Their web sites are super flashy and hyped up.
- They claim you can get rich just by taking surveys. This is wrong! You will NOT get rich if you work at home online completing surveys.
- They make you have an uneasy feeling in your gut. Always trust your gut. If something doesn't seem right, it's not right.
I work at home online, and I've been completing several different kinds of jobs that I discovered through a great company called My Data Team. If you want to find more survey companies like Userworks, who will actually pay you real money for your opinions, then join My Data Team and get started. I guarantee you'll start earning money and fast. If you join My Data Team directly through this blog, I will offer personal phone consultation to help you get on your way to earning a solid income.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
An Embarrassing Experience Working From Home Online
So, I've been making a decent amount of money working from home online ever since I signed up with My Data Team at the end of February. But I did have a pretty embarrassing experience last week which I thought I'd share. So far, I've been making the bulk of my money from Traditional Data Entry, which is typing out audio files exactly as you hear them. You can read more about it here if you're interested. Anyway, I got hired by this company through My Data Team's web site and when they hired me, I received specific instructions on how to get paid. Whenever I finish a transcription job, I email the company an invoice which shows the work I've completed; then they mail me a check. Well, the most recent payment I received came in the form of a money order. I'm not one to lose money (which was for $215.88)! Here's what happened.
![]() |
This is a typical invoice I send to the company in order to get paid |
When the money order arrived in the mail, I called Chase to ask if I could deposit it into my iPhone. That's what I usually do with checks. Well, the bank teller told me I could deposit a money order into my phone just like a check. So, I tried doing that, and up popped an error message telling me I had to take it to a bank to deposit it. This was the first time Chase gave me incorrect information over the phone btw.
So, I headed out to Trader Joe's to get some groceries; of course I brought this money order with me because I planned on depositing it on my way back home. It was after 6pm though and I didn't realize Chase closed so early, so I decided to deposit the money order the next day. I put the groceries away and went on with the rest of my evening.
The next day, I went into the kitchen to grab the money order and it was GONE! I remember bringing it back into my house and setting it on my kitchen table so I wouldn't forget to deposit it the following day. I searched EVERYWHERE for it! When I couldn't find it in the kitchen or anywhere else in my house, I started going through my garbage, which is just plain old nasty! But if you lost $218, you'd search your garbage too. Well, I found nothing. I did research online and realized that money orders can't just be replaced or voided out like checks can be. After going nuts for a full day, I called this transcription company, and I told the lady that I had no idea what happened with the money order. I swore I had it with me but it apparently just disappeared. She said she would head to the post office the following morning to take care of it, which I guarantee you is a pain for her to do; she's already incredibly busy as it is, so I felt really bad about this.
So, the following day, she let me know that the post office was doing an investigation and they wouldn't be able to give her any more information for another 4 - 6 weeks. She also said she would pay the post office fee (which made me feel even worse). I guess there's a fee for them to investigate a lost money order. Then I remembered I did take a picture of it in my phone when I still had it and I called Chase to ask if it's possible for them to just use the information from the money order picture to still deposit the money. I figured a money order is just paper, right? The information on it is more important than the paper itself. Anyway, they said there was nothing they could do without the physical money order in hand. Maybe that was a stupid phone call anyway, but it was worth a shot.
So, it was at that moment that I gave up on it, and realized my $218.88 is gone. That evening, I went into my kitchen to make a pizza (from scratch - I love to cook :-)). As I opened the refrigerator drawer to get cheese out, I saw something shiny at the bottom of it, beneath the food. Guess what it was? The money order was at the bottom of the drawer sitting with the shredded cheese!
I was SO happy to have found it, but now I felt even more like a dumb ass, because I had to email the lady at the transcription company back to let her know I found the money order in my refrigerator. Who finds lost money in a refrigerator? I'm sure at that point, she just assumed I was crazy. In the end, I was able to take it to the bank, and deposit it. End of story!
So, that's my first crazy experience working from home online through My Data Team. I'm hoping the lady who hired me forgets this whole situation and realizes I'm a good guy who just happened have some random misfortune.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Legit Work From Home Jobs ANYWHERE In The World
I just thought to write a quick entry here because I noticed last night that a large percentage of people who visit this blog are from countries outside of the United States. So, I wanted to make something very clear. The legit work from home jobs offered on My Data Team's web site can be completed anywhere in the world. Obviously, you can take a laptop with you anywhere, but what I mean is that there are several different payment methods that are offered on the site, so you don't have to worry if your country doesn't accept PayPal payments. I know that one of the companies My Data Team mentions is called Moneybookers, which is a form of online payment used in several countries that do not accept PayPal. There are also many other options you can be paid with, and My Data Team has everything covered in detail in their trainings and tutorials. So, the bottom line is, if you DO live outside of the United States, know that you will STILL be paid for the work you do with My Data Team, regardless of what currency you use.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
The Sad Truth About Work From Home Jobs
I HATE when companies make outrageous claims that you can make thousands of dollars a day online. They show you an incredibly emotional video of some guy who lived in a box in an alley and one day he found an online system that made him rich. Now he's selling you that system for $25. You sign up, but then realize you must pay $25...PER MONTH!!! On top of that, you have to pay all these additional costs in order to really get set up to make money. These are NOT legit work from home jobs and their existence on the internet pisses me off because they suck me in enough to want to learn more; It's companies like them that give work from home jobs a bad reputation.
So, for the last two hours, I've been watching videos from work from home web sites just like these, then researching whether or not they're legit by reading comments from different people. They suck you in and fry your brain. It's just so sad that companies like these will go out of their way to make money off of innocent people and use all these emotional strategies to pull us in.
I'm not gonna lie, if you sign up with My Data Team directly through my site, I make a commission from the sale (this is one of the skills they teach you in their blogging training). But at least I'm here promoting a company I BELIEVE in. I have made REAL money from My Data Team and I didn't just sit on my ass doing nothing to earn it. There is work involved, but it's fun and you learn a hell of a lot at the same time. Honestly guys, if something looks too good to be true, it's TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
If you want to know what I mean, here are two websites I feel stupid for ever wasting my time on today. I'm not one to bash others, but I'm upset that I could have been earning real money with My Data Team instead of hanging out on these sites.
So, for the last two hours, I've been watching videos from work from home web sites just like these, then researching whether or not they're legit by reading comments from different people. They suck you in and fry your brain. It's just so sad that companies like these will go out of their way to make money off of innocent people and use all these emotional strategies to pull us in.
I'm not gonna lie, if you sign up with My Data Team directly through my site, I make a commission from the sale (this is one of the skills they teach you in their blogging training). But at least I'm here promoting a company I BELIEVE in. I have made REAL money from My Data Team and I didn't just sit on my ass doing nothing to earn it. There is work involved, but it's fun and you learn a hell of a lot at the same time. Honestly guys, if something looks too good to be true, it's TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
If you want to know what I mean, here are two websites I feel stupid for ever wasting my time on today. I'm not one to bash others, but I'm upset that I could have been earning real money with My Data Team instead of hanging out on these sites.
- One Minute Commissions - Seriously? You can make over a million dollars per DAY? That's quite a bold statement. Watch the video and see what I mean but I urge you to not spend your money here people.
- Empower Network - Again, two guys on video who are incredibly convincing. Sure, it's $25 to join, but what you don't know are about all the costs you must pay AFTER you join. Again, please don't join this.
- My Data Team - obviously you know what I'm going to say about this company. They're as legit as anything I've ever seen online. I make honest money from them and I'm enjoying it. Plus, they don't hype themselves up AT ALL. If you sign up here, you'll get free phone support from me as well.
Bottom line - there are legit work from home jobs out there, but the really outrageous websites you find I guarantee are not worth your time or money.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Legit Online Jobs - Part 5 - Content Article Writing
I'm going to start making these Legit Online Jobs entries a bit shorter. I've gone back to look over this blog, and I obviously get carried away with typing :-). So, let me just dive in to a very legit online job that you can find on My Data Team's web site. It's called Content Article Writing. You can make a HUGE amount of money here. Before joining My Data Team, I didn't realize that there are companies out there that will pay you money to write short articles for them. I think it's very cool that this is one of the many legit online jobs My Data Team offers. If you want to know the details of this job and how much money you can make doing it, read below.
You'll notice this blog entry was shorter than previous ones because I tend to ramble A LOT! I think I succeeded! Hopefully this entry has been helpful and you can see that Content Article Writing is one of many legit online jobs My Data Team offers. Please email me with any questions at or leave a comment. I am offering free phone support to anyone who joins My Data Team through this web site. I'd be happy to help you get up and running making money as soon as possible. Click here to get started.
- Job Title - Content Article Writer
- Job Description - you will be writing short articles that will be published by publishing companies, web sites, blogs, and newsletters; in return, you'll be paid VERY well (see below). The My Data Team training provides you with all you need to get up and running, even if you've never written an article in your life. These companies tell you what topic they need you to write on. Then you write it and submit it. Now, if this sounds scary at all, I want to let you know that My Data Team holds your hand from the beginning of the training, all the way to the end, and by the time it's over, you should be a pro and getting hired regularly for these jobs.
- How Much Money You Can Make - Articles can be purchased from anywhere between $50 and $500. I know this sounds crazy but it's true because the internet is growing so fast, these companies realize the only way to stay competitive is by getting more and more fresh content on their sites. That's where you come in. You write fresh articles that they post online. Here's specifically what you can expect to earn:
+Short articles usually 500 words or less pay between $10 - $20 per article.
+Longer articles between 500 and 1000 words pay between $25 - $75 per article.
+Articles over 1500 words pay as much as $100 or more per article.
+Part time content writers can make $25K - $45K per year.
+Full time content writers can make $75K - $200K per year.
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This income average is only for 3/4 of a year. It's also for part time and full time writers. |
Sunday, April 7, 2013
How I Got Started With Legit Work From Home Jobs
Before I post another blog entry about legit work from home jobs, I thought to take a moment and give you a brief description of who I am, my life, and how I got started with legit work from home jobs. There's a new "about me" section on this site (see the tab at the top of this page) where you can learn everything you would like to know. For this blog entry, I decided to copy and paste the text from the "about me" page in order to properly introduce myself to you. :-)
Hey there. My name is Paul, and I'm a music freak, movie junkie, and nutrition/exercise fanatic. I live in the wonderful city of Chicago and I'm an ESL/Bilingual teacher for Chicago Public Schools.
As much as I do love working with kids, I took a leave of absence last June to focus on music, which is my main passion (you may have heard some of my stuff on TV shows you watch). Many people thought I was crazy for leaving behind a great paycheck and benefits, but I knew I wasn't growing as a person. So, I jumped into a much more adventurous, spontaneous, and unpredictable lifestyle. I don't blame you for thinking what I did is ridiculous and immature. But I'm a firm believer that if you're soul isn't growing, you need to make a huge change in your life.
So, I saved up enough money to survive until April of 2013 and I guess that's why this journey is beginning now. As of this writing, it's March of 2013 and obviously, I need to make money to survive; I could go back to teaching, but I love my freedom way too much. It feels like I've rediscovered an essential piece of myself and there is no way I'm ever letting that go again. When I first left teaching, I decided I was going to find a way to make money from multiple streams of income. If I can just write, record, and perform music while making enough money to survive, without all the stress of a corporate environment, I will find a true sense of peace that I've been searching for.
I never in a million years thought that I'd start a blog about making money from home, because I KNOW that 'work from home' opportunities are mostly all scams. Yet, here I am, searching for some kind of treasure by working online. The real reason I started this blog is because, to my huge surprise, I honestly started making money from working online with a company called My Data Team, which is the last thing I ever thought would happen. I've made several hundred dollars so far, and that's enough motivation to send me on a mission to discover what other possibilities exist out there. This blog is dedicated to sharing my honest experiences in working from home. I genuinely hope I can inspire you to realize you can make real money by working from home yourself. This is the first time in years I just feel like a kid again; I discovered a small treasure, and I'm searching for more, which is just fun and exciting to me. But then again, I'm just a big kid anyway.
If you have any questions at all, email me at or simply leave a comment on any of my blog posts. Thanks!
Hey there. My name is Paul, and I'm a music freak, movie junkie, and nutrition/exercise fanatic. I live in the wonderful city of Chicago and I'm an ESL/Bilingual teacher for Chicago Public Schools.
As much as I do love working with kids, I took a leave of absence last June to focus on music, which is my main passion (you may have heard some of my stuff on TV shows you watch). Many people thought I was crazy for leaving behind a great paycheck and benefits, but I knew I wasn't growing as a person. So, I jumped into a much more adventurous, spontaneous, and unpredictable lifestyle. I don't blame you for thinking what I did is ridiculous and immature. But I'm a firm believer that if you're soul isn't growing, you need to make a huge change in your life.
So, I saved up enough money to survive until April of 2013 and I guess that's why this journey is beginning now. As of this writing, it's March of 2013 and obviously, I need to make money to survive; I could go back to teaching, but I love my freedom way too much. It feels like I've rediscovered an essential piece of myself and there is no way I'm ever letting that go again. When I first left teaching, I decided I was going to find a way to make money from multiple streams of income. If I can just write, record, and perform music while making enough money to survive, without all the stress of a corporate environment, I will find a true sense of peace that I've been searching for.
If you have any questions at all, email me at or simply leave a comment on any of my blog posts. Thanks!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Legit Online Jobs - Focus Groups and Surveys that WILL pay you
This blog is is dedicated to discovering where legit online jobs exist on the internet. Since signing up with My Data Team, I've made good money from doing home typing, which you can read about here. But in this entry, I'd like to discuss focus groups and surveys. I get WAY too many emails that claim to pay good money to fill out surveys from companies that all turn out to be scams. It's really annoying. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out My Data Team actually offers focus groups and surveys as one of their legit online jobs. You can read more about it here. But in this entry, I just want to quickly go over what focus groups and surveys are in case you don't know.
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Typical Focus Group (usually with humans though) |
I've been participating in focus groups for years and making a good second income from them. A friend of mine got me to sign up with legitimate companies a few years ago, and I've passed their names on to some of my friends. If you don't know what a focus group is, I'll explain really quickly. It's a group of people of a similar demographic (all women, all men, all people of a certain age group or ethnicity, etc...) who all sit in a room with a moderator who asks questions about particular products they use. That's pretty much it. I've participated in focus groups about wine, cars, retail stores, computers, slot machines, and MUCH more. These groups never last more than two hours, and you usually walk out of them with $100 - $200 in your pocket. So, to sum it up, focus groups are an easy and fun way to make extra money. Unfortunately, I'm not always accepted into them. But when I am, I do walk out with some nice cash (sometimes a check).
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Typical Survey |
Surveys are similar, but they usually don't take as long and they don't pay as much (plus, you don'thave to go to a facility to complete them). You fill out a questionnaire and answer questions about a particular product or your shopping habits. They're usually very specific topics and questions. Again, you can make good money completing surveys, although not as much as you would participating in focus groups. I'm guessing it's probably because they don't take as long to complete. You can make anywhere from $10 - $100 to complete a survey, depending on how long it is.
So, what I thought was pretty awesome, is that, of all the scam companies out there that offer to pay you to complete surveys, My Data Team has a list of over 250 companies that offer legit online jobs where you participate in focus groups and surveys ONLINE. My Data Team has personally researched each and every company to ensure they are legit. What made me feel even better about this list is the fact that I saw all of the companies I have actually made money from listed on their site too.
So, this is just another reason to sign up with My Data Team. I guarantee you'll make money if you get involved with them. As you may already know, I'm offering free phone support to anyone who signs up with them through my site. I'll make sure to help you get you up and running quickly. Just click here to get started. If you have any questions, please leave a comment or shoot me an email at . Thanks!
Monday, April 1, 2013
More Proof You Can Make Money Working From Home Online
Again, I thought to post more proof here that you can honestly make good money working from home online. In a previous entry, I posted picture of the first paycheck that I earned. It's been several weeks since I deposited it and it didn't bounce, so it's definitely legit money. I earned that by doing Traditional Data Entry, which you can learn about by clicking here. I must say, it's inspired me to continue exploring the My Data Team web site to earn more money, which I now know for a fact is possible (I was seriously skeptical about them for the first few weeks after signing up, just as I am about any web site that claims it can help me make money from home). Anyway, below is the invoice of the first few jobs I did in Traditional Data Entry, just to show more proof that you absolutely can make money working from home. Most companies will probably need you to send them invoices to keep track of what they owe you, so here is how mine looked before I sent it in. I've been hired for several more jobs; this is just an invoice of the first few I did, which earned me $359.25. Remember, if you sign up with My Data Team directly through my site, I will offer free phone support to help you start earning money yourself from them. As always, shoot me an email or leave a comment with any questions you have.
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Just like my check, I whited out areas I don't feel the whole world needs to know. :-) |
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Legit Online Jobs - Part 4 - Data Entry Researcher
Now here's a legit online job I had no idea was even listed on the My Data Team web site until last week, and it really came as a surprise to me. I should say I didn't understand what Data Entry Researcher meant until I started looking through the training and now I realize I've done this kind of job many times before. You can seriously earn a good amount of money here for doing very little work that is also fun and easy. The reason I can say that this is absolutely a legit online job is because I have a lot of experience doing this stuff. I bet many of you reading this have made good money doing it too. But I've always made money completing these jobs in a personal setting, with a group of people. I didn't realize until going through some of the My Data Team training, that there are hundreds of legitimate companies out there that will pay you to do this work online too. What am I talking about? Well, focus groups and surveys of course! I guess My Data Team thought it sounded more professional to label this job as Data Entry Researcher. But seriously, I have made at least $2000 (probably more) in the past few years partaking in focus groups (not surveys though - I guess that means I'm experienced in only half of this program then).
I haven't gone through the entire Data Entry Researcher training yet, but now that I know what it is, I'm super excited to dive into it and start doing some of these jobs ASAP. I can already tell that this is similar to Traditional Data Entry (where I've made all my money from My Data Team so far); you can read about how I've made money from Traditional Data Entry here. The reason I say these two are similar is because with both of them, you can start making money as soon as you complete a specific job. This is different than Global Data Entry and Blogging (which I will discuss in an upcoming entry), because with those two, you need to be patient and do consistent work before you see money coming in. As soon as I learn more about the Data Entry Researcher position in the My Data Team training, I'm going to update this page, so check back often if you want to learn more. In the bullet points below, I'm going to list what My Data Team explains you will be doing as a Data Entry Researcher as well as how much money you can expect to earn.
But before I get to the bullet points, I'm going to tell you why participating in focus groups is really fun, and give you some specific jobs I've done. I just realized we're three paragraphs into this already and I haven't even explained to you what a focus group is. It's really simple. Big companies out there have millions of dollars to spend, and ALOT of that money is spent on market research, which means, they want to know what kinds of people buy their products. For instance, Toyota might want to know what Males between the ages of 18 and 30 think about a series of commercials they are thinking of airing on television. Or Tempur-pedic beds may want to understand people's opinions on different mattresses they're thinking of releasing to the public. Red Bull Energy Drink may want to know people's opinions on a new image they're thinking of putting on their cans. Bottom line is, companies WILL pay you just to share your opinions, because without us, the people who buy their products, they wouldn't exist. All three of the examples I gave were actual focus groups I was part of; they were all fun, and they all paid really good money. The focus groups I have participated in have paid about $100 to $200 for you to sit with a group of people and share your opinions on specific products for one to two hours. That's not bad at all. Okay, read on below to understand more about how My Data Team offers this as one of their many legit online jobs.
Job Title - Data Entry Researcher
Job Description - Verbatim from My Data Team's web site - "You can participate in studies, by means of online surveys, focus groups, and study panels. Giving an opinion is second nature to us. Many times a day we offer up our thoughts and feelings on the goods we use and receive. We use a new product and we evaluate its effectiveness. We see a film and discuss its merits. We try a different brand of coffee and form an opinion on the taste. Opinions make up the bulk of our discourse and comprise the majority of our thoughts. Because of how natural our opinions are to us, it's hard to imagine that there are people willing to pay us money just to hear what we think! To understand why our opinions are such valuable commodities and why companies are willing to pay big bucks to hear what people have to say, it's important to understand a little bit about market research, what it is, and how it works."
To sum this up, you will be participating in either focus groups or surveys online for LEGITIMATE COMPANIES. I want to stress that these are legitimate companies because I'm sure many of you have received emails or pop-ups that claim they will pay you to complete surveys, but many of those are scams that want your credit card information and who knows what else. A legitimate company will NEVER ask you to pay them a penny. THEY will pay YOU for your opinions.
How Much Money You Can Make - Verbatim from My Data Team's web site - "The average time you might spend participating in these research studies, then typing your research data could be between 15 to 20 minutes on average. The average earning is $300 a week. If you spend a lot of time each day doing these studies when they are available, you can earn $500 or more per week fairly easily."
Some companies will pay you via PayPal and others via check, and many companies let you choose how you'd like to be paid. I've been paid either cash, or check, but remember that I've always completed focus groups in person, so they've always paid me at the end of each session I attended.
So that's it for part 4 of this legit online jobs blog series. A job as a Data Entry Researcher is fun and easy. Plus, it doesn't take much time and companies pay you really good money for your opinions. I've made great money doing this (and I still do it regularly at various Chicago locations when they have work available). As I said, I'm going to update this blog as I dive into the My Data Team training for Data Entry Researcher. Once again, if you choose to sign up with My Data Team directly through this web site, I will be happy to offer free phone support to help answer any questions you have. Even if you don't choose to sign up with them or are on the fence about it, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and I'll get back to you, usually within a day (unless I get eaten by carnivorous walking fish that are roaming the streets of Chicago). Oh man, my humor is warped. Stay tuned for 'Legit Online Jobs 5' coming in the next few days.
I haven't gone through the entire Data Entry Researcher training yet, but now that I know what it is, I'm super excited to dive into it and start doing some of these jobs ASAP. I can already tell that this is similar to Traditional Data Entry (where I've made all my money from My Data Team so far); you can read about how I've made money from Traditional Data Entry here. The reason I say these two are similar is because with both of them, you can start making money as soon as you complete a specific job. This is different than Global Data Entry and Blogging (which I will discuss in an upcoming entry), because with those two, you need to be patient and do consistent work before you see money coming in. As soon as I learn more about the Data Entry Researcher position in the My Data Team training, I'm going to update this page, so check back often if you want to learn more. In the bullet points below, I'm going to list what My Data Team explains you will be doing as a Data Entry Researcher as well as how much money you can expect to earn.
But before I get to the bullet points, I'm going to tell you why participating in focus groups is really fun, and give you some specific jobs I've done. I just realized we're three paragraphs into this already and I haven't even explained to you what a focus group is. It's really simple. Big companies out there have millions of dollars to spend, and ALOT of that money is spent on market research, which means, they want to know what kinds of people buy their products. For instance, Toyota might want to know what Males between the ages of 18 and 30 think about a series of commercials they are thinking of airing on television. Or Tempur-pedic beds may want to understand people's opinions on different mattresses they're thinking of releasing to the public. Red Bull Energy Drink may want to know people's opinions on a new image they're thinking of putting on their cans. Bottom line is, companies WILL pay you just to share your opinions, because without us, the people who buy their products, they wouldn't exist. All three of the examples I gave were actual focus groups I was part of; they were all fun, and they all paid really good money. The focus groups I have participated in have paid about $100 to $200 for you to sit with a group of people and share your opinions on specific products for one to two hours. That's not bad at all. Okay, read on below to understand more about how My Data Team offers this as one of their many legit online jobs.
Job Title - Data Entry Researcher
Job Description - Verbatim from My Data Team's web site - "You can participate in studies, by means of online surveys, focus groups, and study panels. Giving an opinion is second nature to us. Many times a day we offer up our thoughts and feelings on the goods we use and receive. We use a new product and we evaluate its effectiveness. We see a film and discuss its merits. We try a different brand of coffee and form an opinion on the taste. Opinions make up the bulk of our discourse and comprise the majority of our thoughts. Because of how natural our opinions are to us, it's hard to imagine that there are people willing to pay us money just to hear what we think! To understand why our opinions are such valuable commodities and why companies are willing to pay big bucks to hear what people have to say, it's important to understand a little bit about market research, what it is, and how it works."
To sum this up, you will be participating in either focus groups or surveys online for LEGITIMATE COMPANIES. I want to stress that these are legitimate companies because I'm sure many of you have received emails or pop-ups that claim they will pay you to complete surveys, but many of those are scams that want your credit card information and who knows what else. A legitimate company will NEVER ask you to pay them a penny. THEY will pay YOU for your opinions.
How Much Money You Can Make - Verbatim from My Data Team's web site - "The average time you might spend participating in these research studies, then typing your research data could be between 15 to 20 minutes on average. The average earning is $300 a week. If you spend a lot of time each day doing these studies when they are available, you can earn $500 or more per week fairly easily."
Some companies will pay you via PayPal and others via check, and many companies let you choose how you'd like to be paid. I've been paid either cash, or check, but remember that I've always completed focus groups in person, so they've always paid me at the end of each session I attended.
So that's it for part 4 of this legit online jobs blog series. A job as a Data Entry Researcher is fun and easy. Plus, it doesn't take much time and companies pay you really good money for your opinions. I've made great money doing this (and I still do it regularly at various Chicago locations when they have work available). As I said, I'm going to update this blog as I dive into the My Data Team training for Data Entry Researcher. Once again, if you choose to sign up with My Data Team directly through this web site, I will be happy to offer free phone support to help answer any questions you have. Even if you don't choose to sign up with them or are on the fence about it, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and I'll get back to you, usually within a day (unless I get eaten by carnivorous walking fish that are roaming the streets of Chicago). Oh man, my humor is warped. Stay tuned for 'Legit Online Jobs 5' coming in the next few days.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Legit Online Jobs You Can Do Anywhere
You know, before I post a blog entry for the next legit online job I will talk about, which is Data Entry Researcher, I just wanted to quickly mention that all the jobs listed on the My Data Team web site, can be done ANYWHERE you have a computer or tablet with an Internet connection. In fact, some jobs don't even require Internet. For instance, right now I'm hanging out at my parents' beach house in Michigan. I got hired to complete another data entry transcription job two days ago. Unfortunately, this beach house has no Internet until summer, but I just headed down the street to a hotel with my laptop where I could pick up an Internet connection. I downloaded the file I needed to transcribe and came back to the beach house to complete it. Then I just walked back down to the hotel this morning to email the final transcription to the company. Obviously, you won't have to head over to a hotel if you already have Internet wherever you're at; the point is, these are all legit online jobs that My Data Team provides you with, and as long as you have an Internet connection, you can do them anywhere. I guess that's a given, but I just felt inclined to write this post since I'm just hanging with my puppy by the beach, and still getting work done. It's a nice feeling. Anyway, next blog entry will be 'Legit Online Job #4 - Data Entry Researcher'. Look out for it soon.
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Hanging at my parents' beach house completing a Traditional Data Entry job |
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Legit Online Jobs – Part 3 – Traditional Data Entry
So here we are - #3 in a series of 10 blog posts about the many legitonline jobs that My Data Team offers. This job is whereI have the most experience: this blog entry will teach you about Traditional Data Entry and what you can expect to do in this job; you’ll also learn how much money you canrealistically make doing this. Traditional Data Entry happens to be where I’ve made ALL of my money sofar, which, as of today, is approximately $540. As I’ve told you, My Data Team offers 10 legit online jobs; of all of them though, I absolutelypromise you CAN make money from this one. How can I promise that? Well, I’mjust a regular guy who has always assumed that work from home web sites are scams, but I’ve made my money as a direct result of signing up with My Data Team and doing this specific Traditional Data Entry job after going through the training. It’s been less than a month that I started,and I’ve also been taking things slowly because I balance my band and school work with this money making journey. So, let’s dive in.
- Job Title – Data Entry Transcription
- Job Description - Data Entry Transcription is a job where you listen toaudio or video of focus groups or interviews, and type everything out, word forword. It’s really as simple asthat. There are lots of companies outthere who are looking to hire reliable transcriptionists. That’s your title in this job by theway. You’re a transcriptionist. Most companies will send you a digital file,like an mp3, wma, wav, etc… You thenopen the file in the software that My Data Team provides you with for free. You listen to thefile carefully, while typing out everything that’s being said in Microsoft Wordor some other similar Word program. Thetraining for this is SO extensive, it turns you into a pro at transcribing, andit even tells you exactly what to put in each bullet point of your resume sothat you quickly get hired by some of the companies they have listed on thesite. I seriously got hired within a day of sending out my resume. Ittrains you on how to become fast at typing, if you aren’t already. The training also gives you specific sampleprojects to complete so that you’re prepared when someone DOES hire you. It’s laid back work that you can do anywherein your house as long as you have a set of headphones (well, I guess you coulduse speakers too, but trust me – it will be easier to do this job wearing headphones). Again, this is, without a doubt, a very legit online job listed on My Data Team’s website. I’ve made all my money so far from this job alone. There is MUCH more information listed on their page, so if this intrigues you at all, make sure to head on over to the My Data Team web site and read more.
- How Much Money You Can Make – According to My Data Team’s website, if you can type 40 to 60 words per minute, you can earn as much as $30 to $40 per hour. If you aren’t experienced as a transcriber (which, this would be your status after the training), meaning you can type between 30 to 50 words per minute, you can expect to make about $12 to $25 per hour.
*I want to mention my own experience and how I’ve personally earned my money doing this. I’ve been hired to do various jobs and what I’ve noticed is that these companies pay you according to how long an audio file is and what exactly you’re transcribing (focus group, interview,etc…). For instance, I transcribed a focus group, which is more difficult than transcribing an interview. So, with the focus group job, the company paid me $90 per hour of audio. That breaks down to $1.50 per minute of audio. The focus group was 132 minutes & 29 seconds long; the rate I was paid was $1.50 per minute of audio, so this means I was paid a total of $198.44 to transcribe this focus group which was a little over two hours long. Other jobs will pay $75 per hour of audio you transcribe and others may pay you $60 per audio. It all depends on which company hires you, the quality of sound, and exactly what you are transcribing.
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My first check I received a few weeks ago doing this job. More money is coming in now too. I've made a total of $520 so far. |
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